On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 07:10, Alessandro Salvatori wrote:
> is there a way to guess the filenames in /lost+found/ ? that way i could access them 
> in a script with a for(;;) cycle, without being able to ls them...
> thank you
> sandr8

Yes, that's worth a try.  The files will be named Innnnnnn.RCN where
nnnnnnn is the inode number (I0090114.RCN).  The directories will be
named Dnnnnnnn.RCN.  I'm not sure if you may have luck with the
wildcard.  If you create a directory l+f, and iteratively run "mv
lost+found/* l+f/", it may eventually move everything into a non-broken
directory.  If the wildcard doesn't work, you can make a script to
iterate through the inode numbers.

David Kleikamp
IBM Linux Technology Center

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