echo * does even make login crash! :D
i'll iterate... suggestions about bounds to the inode numbers in the for loop?
thank you very much indeed

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 07:33:23 -0500
Dave Kleikamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 07:10, Alessandro Salvatori wrote:
> > is there a way to guess the filenames in /lost+found/ ? that way i could access 
> > them in a script with a for(;;) cycle, without being able to ls them...
> > thank you
> > sandr8
> Yes, that's worth a try.  The files will be named Innnnnnn.RCN where
> nnnnnnn is the inode number (I0090114.RCN).  The directories will be
> named Dnnnnnnn.RCN.  I'm not sure if you may have luck with the
> wildcard.  If you create a directory l+f, and iteratively run "mv
> lost+found/* l+f/", it may eventually move everything into a non-broken
> directory.  If the wildcard doesn't work, you can make a script to
> iterate through the inode numbers.
> -- 
> David Kleikamp
> IBM Linux Technology Center

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