On Apr 29, 2015, at 4:22 PM, Pranav Bhat <pranav.b...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Here is a solution that I use: 

I posted in case some platform wide solution seemed to be called for.

For my use right now as far as 9 goes, I have a Java application that I 
currently intend to do my java 9 testing with. I embedded JDK 9 into that 
I set up a jdeps9 command that runs the jdeps executable from the bin directory 
of the embedded early access 9 JDK.
I’m assuming 9 is the latest and greatest version of the command so I don’t 
plan on testing it on Java 8 right now.
In this way I can still have the machine’s installed JRE and JDK set to 8. Just 
the one application is running 9.

Michael Hall

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