So you'll need the work-round below anyway (which does work for me).

>  However you can use the following instead:
>  + Java Request (set Status != OK)
>  + + Synch timer
>  + + Result Status Action Handler (Stop Test)

I made a simple test plan to test how it would work like this

Threadgroup (users = 10)
+ http request
+ java request
+ + synch timer (5)
+ + result status action (value for status set to '!OK')
+ agg report

To ensure it would stop the test at 5 samples instead of 10.. Which it
does, but has a bit of a side effect that it then logs 5 errors skewing
results a bit or requiring more log processing (which I have not gotten
to work out yet).

Testing where the synch timer and user count are equal - it still shows
a failure on the java request.  So I always get 1 failure per thread.
Any other way I can do this without triggering a failure on a request to
make it stop?  Maybe setting/incrementing a property from my testing
thread which is read each loop by the 'monitoring' thread which once it
reaches a value it uses TestAction to stop that thread?  The testing
threadgroup will stop on its own when its finished its cycles..
Basically using a property as a counter incremented per testingthread,
then using that counter as the 

Something like

Testing Threadgroup (users = 100)
+ work
+ work
+ testaction and in comment use ${__setProperty($stopcounter,

Monitor Threadgroup (loop forever)
+ While Controller (with condition ${__jexl(${stopcounter}<= 100))
+ + sampler
+ Test Action (stop thread)

I think that should work without logging any failures since the while
controller check is the only conditional checking.  

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