Rzepa, Henry sent [8.55p gmt 2004 March 17 Wednesday] :

>>>>Q: Would it be valuable to have a simpler mechanism to associate
>>>>Jmol application with web browsers as a helper application?
>>>If the Jmol application can be launched automatically whenever a
>>>file with MOL or PDB extension was loaded by Safari, that would be
>>>a big help.
>>Henry's message seemed to say that making these associations on
>>Safari may be difficult.
>There is  no GUI in Safari for setting these things  (unlike eg
>Mozilla); a program called Misfox (by the author of iCab, another 
>Mac  browser) seems to set the  MIME type at the Unix level, but 
>Safari ignores this.  Thus if the server sets a MIME of
>chemical/x-mdl-molfile, Safari will simply download the file but
>make no attempt to open it (actually, any page which <embed>s eg  10
>files will result in 10 downloads)
I am researching how this behaves, but I admit - it has me stumped right

>It gets worse!  OS X seems to think that  .jar files are "documents"
>rather than  "applications"  (as evidenced by trying to place a .jar
>into the dock, it will only go into the document part of the dock).
true...and not true. ;-)  if you launch the .jar file it appears in the
applications part of the Dock; you can then choose to keep it there.
but you can not drag it there de novo.  I believe this is because jar
files are not recognized as packages.

>Thus setting the MIME type in Mozilla and specifying jmol.jar as the
>application  fails, since the system thinks you are trying to open
>one document with another! IE will allow you to define new MIME
>types, but trying to associate this with a  .jar file again fails
>(since  a  .jar is a document, and its greyed out).
>Yes, it is incredible that  Apple could produce such a broken
>system. Of course, it may just be my system that is broken; can any
>other  OS X user reproduce any of the above?
I can confirm this behavior, though I can't tell why Mozilla fails
trying to open a pdb file with jmol.jar.



timothy driscoll
molvisions - molecular graphics & visualization
usa:north carolina:wake forest

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