Well, at least I think so....


Please let me know if that does not work for you.

This is identical to the original from
http://wetche.cmbi.ru.nl/organic/cyclohexane/jm/chxjmol.html produced by
Hens Borkent, showing how there is no need for a boat between two
cyclohexane chairs, with the following exception:

I've used the COMPARE function to adjust the locations and orientations of
models in adjacent frames to be as close as possible to those of the
previous frame using

for (var i = {*}[0].modelindex; i >= 1; --i){j = i + 1;COMPARE {model=j}

What's interesting, I think, is how simple and smooth the flip really is.
This wasn't so obvious (to me) from the original.

Comments welcome.

Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55057
phone: 507-786-3107

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

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