On 23 Feb 2011, at 01:33, Robert Hanson wrote:

> Well, at least I think so....
> http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/examples-12/jmol-flot-energy.htm?model=data/cyclohexaneFlip.jmol
> Please let me know if that does not work for you.


The issue of whether the path passes through a boat transition state  
or not is an interesting one.  The pathway you show is chiral at all  
points except the first and the last (D3d symmetry there, with planes  
of symmetry).  In particular,  point 18, the twist boat and the half  
way point, is itself chiral (C2 symmetry).  The half chair transition  
states  (10 and  25) are also chiral, but 10 is the enantiomer of  25.

The alternative, shown in many texts, is of a mirror-symmetric  
potential, involving an achiral boat transition state (C2v) at the mid  
point, with the left of the potential a mirror image of the right.

Thus we have chair-chair interconversion happening via either a  
pathway which has a mirror symmetric geometry at its mid point,  or  
via a pathway which is chiral at every point except the start and end.  
This latter type of potential has been described by Patrick Fowler as  
"chiral connectedness" (although it does not quite match).   See  
Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 16, No 4, 321-334, 2005.

An animation  which purports to be derived from a molecular dynamics  
simulation can be seen at


and it does seem to support the intermediacy of a boat transition  
state at the  "mid point" rather than passing directly from a twist  
boat to the half chair on one side of the  potential.

What I am trying to find here is whether the species either side of  
the mid point should be symmetric  at each point of the potential or  

http://www.youtube.com/user/DokeDJ#p/u/4/bPLREpfZ63I  seems to show  
this, but

> http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/examples-12/jmol-flot-energy.htm?model=data/cyclohexaneFlip.jmol

does not.

I appreciate a debate on this topic may or may not be suited for the  
Jmol list, but if anyone wants to add their opinion,  I would welcome  
this, if only because my  "synthetic organic chemistry" colleagues   
need to know what the  "most realistic" description of this iconic  
potential surface is!

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