On 5 Dec 2011, at 22:06, Paul Pillot wrote:

> ChemDoodle is proprietary, but Chemdoodle web components (that's what Bob 
> referred to) is open source (GPL)
> It uses javascript and doesn't need Jmol on the server side. You can feed the 
> script with a PDB file and it will eventually render it in the WebGL canvas 
> (graphics are nice and fast on my desktop computer by the way).
> Server side they use programs to speed up the process for parsing PDB files 
> and convert them to a JSON molecule object that the javascript can render 
> faster.
> They have also other utilities to perform other computations and in a former 
> post on their web sites they advertised that they are investigating using 
> Jmol on the server side.
> Paul

Might  I make the connection between  Javascript/Canvas based renderings and 
the requirements for  e.g. the new epub3  "e-book" format.  This allows one to 
script in  Jmol-like functionality  into a shrink-wrapped book which should be 
playable (a superset of readable?)  on any tablet, including  Android and  IOS 
as well as standard laptops. I am not aware that epub3 has been designed to 
support  Java apps (but perhaps it has?). I have in mind here the considerable 
potential for producing (open) courseware  enhanced with molecular 

Rather off topic perhaps,  but has anyone found any epub3 capable authoring 
software (Calibre, the best known epub2 system, does not yet support epub3). 
There are certainly commercial services offering conversion to epub3 already 
out there.
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