My family has an Ipad we use extensively.  However, I mostly agree with Bob.  
The Ipad/Tablet devices are good for consuming information created by others.  
Thus I do think they will make significant inroads in the book market.  
However, the fact that the Ipad makes it difficult to consume certain kinds of 
web-based content is likely to be a problem long term.  Here's how I see it:

1) Why Apple has migrated to the IOS environment.  The original MacOS was very 
tightly controlled (as is IOS) and was relatively easy for Apple to figure out 
how to provide a seamless and glitzy (for the time) user experience.  
Eventually, this closed system became a problem and Apple's market share began 
to decline.  That is when OSX was released.  Because OSX was based on an open 
BSD Unix users suddenly had access to all the richness of the more open 
markets.  I believe this temporarily saved the Macintosh.  However, the growing 
success of the open-source movement and the growing maturity of various flavors 
of LINUX Desktop environments is impacting the market for closed source desktop 
and server OSes.  I think Apple and other companies that sell closed-source 
OSes are expecting to make less and less money on their desktop and server 
OSes.  They are shifting towards the tablet market.  Apple is entering the 
market in the same way it entered the PC market.  Eventually, I suspect they 
will have to shift towards supporting a broader spectrum of technology and 
software if their competitors and open source options do, just as they did with 
the MacOS.

2) I see two initial options for Jmol usage:
a) For fixed textbook like presentations, views can be packaged as .pngs or 
animated .gifs (to show spinning).  In many cases Jmol content consists of 
views that change with the click of a button in a known way (this is not the 
case for servers that open different data files at user request...see (b)).  I 
could envision modifying my Export-to-Web code so that it would generate a 
static .png and a spinning .gif of each view.  Rather than putting Jmol in the 
page when the user clicks a button these images would be put in the page with a 
button to click to "make interactive".  If the OS does not support JavaVMs the 
user would get a simple dialog message.

b) On the fly data sets are a little more difficult, but I have already 
implemented something for the SageMath package.  The latest version of 
JmolData.jar can be run headless on the server to generate image files.  I 
still need to work out generating the animated .gifs.  Ideally this would be 
something we could embed in JmolData.jar, but initially it could be output of 
image files and then use another package to make them into an animated .gif.

3) We could also investigate a javascript viewer version, that doesn't have 
capabilities to change a view, but could display it interactively.  Like 2b 
above this puts a lot of potential load on the server and bandwidth.

Some random ideas to start discussions....

On Mar 29, 2012, at 7:41 AM, wrote:

> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 07:41:47 -0500
> From: Robert Hanson <>
> Subject: Re: [Jmol-users] "Jmol" for iPads?
> To:
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Craig T Martin <>wrote:
>> Bob,
>>   I wouldn't be so dismissive of the iPad/iPhone revolution. Clearly the
>> latter looks to be dominating the smart phone market, despite it's higher
>> price tag. It wasn't that long ago that experts were dismissive of Apple
>> overall (or dismissive of mice and the GUI, for that matter). jmol risks
>> being left behind if it is not adapted to a platform with a growing user
>> base. I do appreciate that Apple's omitting Java support has made adapting
>> jmol very challenging, but I would love someone to rise to this challenge -
>> for my own and for jmol's sake.
> It's not that I'm dismissive. Apple appeals strongly to the early adopter
> community -- I understand that. But before you jump for a new iPad, read
> the reviews of the iPad 3 and do consider the Android tablet instead. My
> son and I absolutely love our Samsung, and I can't IMAGINE trading it for
> an iPad. It's just hands down a better environment. Apple's a game changer
> company, but how much  of that fanatical enthusiasm is warranted for that
> particular platform when so many other tablet-based options are available
> and so more flexible? What exactly is the appeal of a tablet that is so
> restrictive when other alternatives are available that let you do what you
> really want to do?
> Bob

                        Dr. Jonathan H. Gutow
Chemistry Department                       
UW-Oshkosh                                           Office:920-424-1326
800 Algoma Boulevard                                 FAX:920-424-2042
Oshkosh, WI 54901

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