On Apr 6, 2012, at 4:32 pm, Robert Hanson wrote:
> Chrome is the same, except Chrome has software rendering, allowing for WebGL 
> pretty much everywhere.
> OK, I get it. So Chrome's WebGL is a fake, essentially, and that explains why 
> it is absolutely destroying my battery life right now and also moving very 
> slowly at http://web.chemdoodle.com/demos/pdb-ribbons with anything a bit 
> more involved than 1crn -- for example, even with 4TRA. 

I don't think your explanation necessarily suffices.

I'm also running Chrome, on a battery-powered macbook. responsiveness at the 
above url is excellent with all the models I've tested. ditto for FF4, and for 
the other CDoo urls I've hit. also, Chrome never gets above 8% CPU at the above 
(multiple tabs and windows open), and battery drain has not been an issue at 

perhaps Windows is the issue here?


experience often differs, especially where browsers are concerned.

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