
Previously I have created a program which takes a sequence of hydrophobic or 
hydrophilic amino acids and folds it based of the HP protein folding model. The 
folded coordinates are given and displayed in a x-y-z grid format (as in an 
amino acid can only be located on integer x, y, z coordinates; no decimals). A 
typical folded protein resembles this:

What I hoping to add is to use Jmol to display this protein. However, instead 
of simply a ball representing the amino acid, I would like to show each 
molecule of each amino acid.

My current idea of how I would go about this is as such:

- Read in a real protein sequence ( Lys - Asp - Arg - etc ), and turn this into 
a string of hydrophobic or hydrophilic amino acids for my program to fold.
- Once folded, replace each amino acid with it's actual molecules in Jmol, to 
do this I might
     - programmatically create a .pdb file for Jmol to read. To do this I would 
already have pdb files for all 20 amino acids stored, and displace their atoms 
to the grid coordinate given from the existing program. However, I would have 
to get the amino acids to be bonded together through peptide bonds, which seems 

Before I step into this large project, I would just like to ensure I'm on the 
right path and doing things the best/easiest way possible. I am quite new to 
Jmol and would very much appreciate any suggestions or things to look out for. 
If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them.

Thank you for your time


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