On 24 Jul 2013, at 17:02, darren.rhodes <darren.rho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I downloaded jmol-13.2.0 with a view to upgrading from jmol-12.2.33 and
> amending my scripts with the signed Applets due to the recent problems I've
> been having.
> There were no signed Applets in this download.
> However, I did notice a zipped jsmol folder which I duly unzipped and poked
> around with view to cribbing some of the code in a working file.  I found
> the test file, jsmol.htm which loaded and behaved as expected.
> So I added a piece of code,
> <a href="javascript:Jmol.script(jmolApplet0,'!quit;script
> MyDirectory/GamessFile.log;')">CompoundName</a>
> I saved the file, reloaded it and clicked on the link ... with no
> response.  MyDirectory is in the same directory jsmol as the directory
> called data.  My file is a GAMESS (US) log file.
> Any ideas?


One of the aspects of  JSMol is that there are many many ways of achieving an 
effect.  Yours above is not one  I have ever seen.  I personally do this sort 
of stuff  using

 <a href="javascript:Jmol.loadFile(jmolApplet0,'SS-TS1.log',';background image 
&rdquo;TS1iso.jpg&rdquo;;frame 9;zoom 100;connect (atomno=21) (atomno=20) 
partial;vectors on;vectors 4;vectors scale 5.0;color vectors green;vibration 
6;animation mode loop;')">compound name</a>

where SS-TS1.log must be in the same folder as the rest of the files  (or 
lower).  But there are many other ways no doubt. I suggest finding what works 
for you and sticking to it until it stops working.  At any rate, the above is 
happy when invoked from a local hard drive.

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