I've received several mails from U.S. JMDL members who can't understand why
I've been referring to the media being anti-Zionist.
It would appear that being anti-Zionist/Jewish has been out of fashion in the
U.S. for a while.
I'm glad to hear that, but also sorry to report the opposite in France.

My 9 year old has a subscription to a daily news sheet for children.  One
could read the following in bold: "Why was the U.S. attacked?  They have
ennemies because they're friends with Israel".

My wife works in a large public utility company.  One of her co-worker heard a
discussion among "lefty" executives: they rejoiced that the U.S. had FINALLY
being hit, and felt it was only fair since they supported Israel.

I rest my case.

PS: a bomb has already being found inside a synagogue near Paris.


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