Laurent wrote:

>>Unrelated but interesting:
Just heard that Mr. Arafat has been recently secretly looking out  to
purchase a 10 carat pink diamond (one of the most expensive diamonds) from
jewelers in Paris via his law firm. Remember for many years IMF aid used to
be deposited into his own bank account and he would do the redistributing.
I wonder how many families in Gaza he could feed with that money?<<

He doesn't say where he heard this. Could it by chance have been on CNN, the
channel that has been trying to discredit the Palestinians by using images of
Arab children celebrating the destruction of the twin towers? The only problem
is that the images were filmed in 1991. Perhaps Laurent should be complaining
about anti-Muslim propaganda. Is this manipulation acceptable, and if not why
is nobody complaining? Honourable exceptions to these remarks are John Pilger
in his book 'Distant Voices' (London, Vintage Books, 1992) and the Disposable
Heroes of Hiphoprisy's wonderful 'Hypocrisy Is The Greatest Luxury'. As Joni
herself said, "Land of snap decisions, land of short attention span, nothing
is savoured long enough to really understand.".

And by the way, is there anything evidence that Arafat's keeping money in his
personal bank account was used for personal gain or is this just another

Mike In Barcelona

NP Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy 'Television, The Drug of The Nation'

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