----- Original Message -----
From: "Dolphie Bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mike Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: blame the Jews pt 3, NJC

> Sounds to me like some of the things Laurent has to say have some merit
> it is pretty interesting that he is jumped on every time he states his
> feelings about the matter.  I, for one, am not interested in taking up for
> Yassar Arafat or the Palestinians.  Furthermore, whatever CNN's motives
> we have no idea what they are, could it be just reporting the facts,  and
> those clips were factual, could be it.  Those people WERE CELEBRATING that
> thousands of Americans had just been blown to bits.  And I would imagine
> that there was much more celebrating going on than what we have been privy
> too.  I, for one, thank the Israelis for their presence and the help that
> they have given our country.  Also, even if the images are old, the
> Palestinians are no friend to this country or to Americans.  I would
> to say that if any of you people defending them were amidst them that
> become very clear, very quickly.  Mack
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:23 PM
> Subject: Re: blame the Jews pt 3, NJC
> > Laurent wrote:
> >
> > >>Unrelated but interesting:
> > Just heard that Mr. Arafat has been recently secretly looking out  to
> > purchase a 10 carat pink diamond (one of the most expensive diamonds)
> > jewelers in Paris via his law firm. Remember for many years IMF aid used
> to
> > be deposited into his own bank account and he would do the
> > I wonder how many families in Gaza he could feed with that money?<<
> >
> > He doesn't say where he heard this. Could it by chance have been on CNN,
> the
> > channel that has been trying to discredit the Palestinians by using
> of
> > Arab children celebrating the destruction of the twin towers? The only
> problem
> > is that the images were filmed in 1991. Perhaps Laurent should be
> complaining
> > about anti-Muslim propaganda. Is this manipulation acceptable, and if
> why
> > is nobody complaining? Honourable exceptions to these remarks are John
> Pilger
> > in his book 'Distant Voices' (London, Vintage Books, 1992) and the
> Disposable
> > Heroes of Hiphoprisy's wonderful 'Hypocrisy Is The Greatest Luxury'. As
> Joni
> > herself said, "Land of snap decisions, land of short attention span,
> nothing
> > is savoured long enough to really understand.".
> >
> > And by the way, is there anything evidence that Arafat's keeping money
> his
> > personal bank account was used for personal gain or is this just another
> > slur?
> >
> > Mike In Barcelona
> >
> > NP Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy 'Television, The Drug of The Nation'

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