If you want the kind of proof demanded in a US court of law, you're not
going to get it.  For god's sake, nobody is going to get on CNN and give
away all our intelligence, at least I hope they don't.  TWe already have
indictment against Bin Laden for previous acts of terrorism.

I have never been pro-war, but I always knew I could never call myself
pacifist, because I never had an answer to "what about Hitler?"  If the
alternative to war is acceptance of evil, then I would favor war.

To suggest that those who favor war in this instance are self-indulgent
martini-sippers is disgusting.

Ric said:
> that's what i think.  i'm not calling for pacifism.  i'm not
> suggesting we
> turn the other cheek.  i'm saying i want proof.  and until i see
> it, i am not
> going to sit from my cozy apartment with a view, sipping my martini and
> calling for others to go out to die and kill people every bit as
> innocent as
> the ones who have died already, so i can feel vindicated and
> avenged.  when i
> see that proof, then we can talk.
Deb Messling  =^..^=

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