--- evian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark wrote:
> > I was right with you, Ric, up until this last
> part.  This was
> > mean-spirited and unnecessary, not to mention
> unworthy of you.  I
> > think you owe Kakki a *big* apology.
> >
> >
> My thoughts exactly -- I was nodding my head in
> agreement and even began
> a "me too" post before I reached the ending.  If you
> could have seen my
> jaw drop when I did -- that was a low blow and
> totally uncalled for.
> Kakki is one of the kindest, smartest, and most
> articulate lister around
> (not to mention that for over three years, her posts
> are the ones I
> always read -- We obviously have completely
> different points of view on
> politics, but I respect everything she says and she
> always gets me
> thinking) and it saddens me that we have come to
> this yet again. God, I
> can't believe I am saying it, but the only Joni's
> are actually looking
> good to me lately.
> Take care all of you,

Same here.  Like Mark and now like Evian, I was just
about to respond, but I've been so far in my reading
lately, that I thought I'd read further before saying

I totally got what Ric was saying, but Ric, you
should've left that last paragraph out.  This is one
situation where people are going to be truly divided. 
Some, like me, are going to waver back and forth
between "bomb the bastards" and "give peace a chance."
Right now, I'm not sure what to think.  I want to see
justice done and I want to see it happen quickly.  I
recognize that what happened in NYC (and Washington
and PA) may be pretty much the same as what has
happened in other parts of the world and that maybe we
in the US and Canada who always thought it could never
happen here may have gotten a really big wake-up call,
but I can't help thinking about what a bastardy thing
that was to do, to regular working people like
probably all of us here on the list, and our families
and neighbours and co-workers, and how they didn't
deserve this at all, and futhermore, with absolutely
NO warning whatsoever.

So, Ric, I understand your anger at those who might
want to bomb the crap out of the "other side" (whoever
it may be) but to put it in personal terms against
Kakki was a low blow.  I'm hoping that you hit that
send button too fast in the heat of the moment (I can
understand that too) but Kakki didn't deserve that at
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