Hi Mary,

> Pills and mental illness - what a subject

Well, Joni started it! ;-)

I think all of your points are very insightful.  I certainly am more of an
observer in this realm than someone who has been critically affected by it,
although I have thought about it a lot for many years.  The "experts" can't
say it is all "this" or "that" and I wonder why they have often taken such a
narrow view.  One thing I've been told with regard to depression, and I
would tend to agree with, is that a severe emotional trauma or event can
sometimes shock a person's system to the point that it literally changes
one's physiological chemistry, not always neccesarily in the brain but
systemically.  That's why a pill alone may not cure and why someone may also
need some tender loving nurturing or counseling to regain their overall
health and well-being.  The emotional often cannot be divorced from the
bio-chemical - one can affect the other.  Thanks for your input.


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