>   Being flexible
> in one's beliefs, based on conscience, indicates open-mindedness to me and
> seems to me to be a virtue.

I agree. tho we do have to be prepared to accept responsibility for our
Like I said in an earlier post, I believe in the principle of 'thou shalt not
kill' yet i believe in euthanasia.

if I believe it is right to bomb another country for whatever reason, I accept
that in such circumstances, i also believe it is right to kill children, women
and men in order to further my aims. there is no escaping that. As I cannot ever
accept that it is right to kill children, especially, to achieve my aims, I
cannot support war. War KILLS people, people just like those who died in NY and
So if I say I support war, then i am sayoing I believe it is right to kill other
human beings to achieve my aims.
However, as I also said before, I have no problem with killing Osama Bin Ladin
and the like for in doing so we save the lives of many others.

If one has any spiritual beliefs, like that we survive death, then how do we
account for our beliefs then that it was okay for the 10 year old son of the
Taliban leader to be killed? How do we justify that? I don't believe we can. i
do believe we will be held accoutnable for our beliefs as well as our actions.
If I believe it is right to kill then i am accountabkle for the deaths that
result even if i did not pull the trigger. The same way, as I believe it is
right to help a aperson die in sevre cases of disease and pain, I am accountable
for those deaths that result from this. I will have to account my support. My
support dooes enable such things to happen.
Perhaps I am not explaining myself very well, but I am trying to say there is a
very real connection between what we believe and what happens. So that even if i
do not pull the trigger, I am still accountable if I support pulling the rigger.

> Kakki

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