At 01:00 PM 11/15/01 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I wonder why she's never gotten into much as she enjoys the
visual arts and HAS remained inspired with her painting, it seems to me
like she would have branched out into some other media. Maybe she could
become another Dr. Junk! 

   Some of her work has been mixed media as I recall (not counting the cat
pee on the Rain Barrel painting...)  ;-)
   That is an interesting question. Maybe her health and time constraints
again come into play here. Or maybe she has done some sculpting. Although I
can't imagine her having someone holding up pieces of metal for her to weld
into (Well, now that I think about it-lol)
   You can always go back to a painting if it is unfinished, or you are
frustrated with it, but can you go back to a song? (Okay, Two Grey Rooms
not withstanding.)
   I have a whole CD of what I call 'Unfinished Business'. Songs that i
never finished- complete orchestrations with no words or melody. But my
friend Yolanda took one of the songs and put lyrics and a melody to it and
it is quite beautiful. 
   Alot of musicians who have told me the same thing happen. When you are
hot on it, or inspired, it seems to come together magically, but when there
is a big gap in time, it's like the momentum is lost and your never going
to get there. And you have an unfinished piece. And you listen to it and
listen to it and it has such potential...
   So Joni must have a few pof these laying around. I mean, look at some
oif the early versions of All I Want and other songs that we have heard.
She kept on these and kept them alive. She waw and felt the potential not
to let these ideas die and to actually let them become something greater
than what they started as- lyrically, that is.
   Now what this has to do with sculpture is beyond me...sorry for the


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