Well, personally, I'd rather listen to some tuneful
fun pop from N'SYNC than the faux-deep sh*t that
passes for singer-songwriter "craft" these days.  It's
about quality, not genre.


NPIMH: Britney Spears, "I'm a Slave 4 U"--a damn good
pop song, whether or not it's all her producers

--- Kate Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> YES!
> "a recent Sam Goody poll of nearly 800 teens from
> across the country shows
> times, and tastes, are starting to change. Most
> teens today are listening to
> rock bands, not boy bands, and singer/songwriters
> are getting more play than
> the packaged pop stars of a year ago....Forty
> percent of teens say
> singer/songwriters are the hottest new trend.
> Thirty-nine percent say guitar
> rockers are the next big thing."
> see the entire article at
> http://mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=29785
> ********************************************
> Kate Bennett
> www.katebennett.com
> sponsored by Polysonics www.polysonics.com
> Discover the Indies at Taylor Guitars:
> ********************************************


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