> I think taste is taste and whilst I can well believe that there people
> who will not listen to a black persons music just because they are
> black, I don't think in general that people like myself who do not like
> certain music, dislike it because of the race of the composer/singer!
> For me I dislike it cos it irritates the hell out of me, it jangles me,
> it leaves me wanting less.

I agree with you exactly!  Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Ella Fitzgerald, John
Coltrane...these black artists are very close to my soul and lift me up in a
way noone else can.  I simply do not like much of the modern hip/hop/r&b
music that seems to be very popular, for the most part because of the
repetitive electronic sounding beat that drives me mad.  It certainly seems
that most artists in the urban music scene have plenty of exposure though,
regardless of color.

I think a debate over which is better, singer/songwriters with a guitar or
pop music, would go nowhere quickly but I don't think that was the point of
Kate's post.  If there is more interest in acoustic musicians then I think
that is great and hope it continues.  If some people like the more "pop"
oriented music then that is fine too.  Everybody has different tastes.


Victor Johnson

"Velveteen rabbits and moonbeams,
Come when you lay down your head.
While you are sleeping, they kiss you and tell you,
That you are the reason the sun lights the sky."
                                                 Scarlet-V. Johnson

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