> All this talk here has got me thinking and questioning.  Joni
attended art
> school and I wonder just how much she was taught in the way of
> Did she resist formal training?  Or did her teachers forsake
> criticism or instruction in favor of original style?

As I recall, Joni said that she was more interested in figurative
painting and abstraction was the flavor of the day.  So her
instructors were somewhat dismissive of the type of painting she
wanted to do.  I don't remember what interview or article this is from
but I believe she also said that students with a talent or inclination
toward figurative art were more or less pushed toward commercial art
and not viewed as serious artists.  On the whole the experience was
not a positive one for her & she most likely was not engaged enough to
get much out of it.  Remember that she quit piano lessons when her
creativity was stifled.  I suspect that she either didn't learn much
in art school or 'unlearned' it when it didn't suit her.

Mark E.

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