Fred asked:

> is 
> Madonna as good a songwriter as Joni Mitchell? 

No way.

> Does
> her body of work 
> demonstrate the same level of craft and inspiration
> in the manipulation of 
> the materials? 

Well, that depends on what you define as "work" and
"materials."  I define her "body of work" very
broadly, beyond the recorded notes on her albums.  And
on that basis, I would say "yes," it does demonstrate
the same *level* of craft and inspiration--though a
very different type.

A little more seriously, I think Fred's point is
well-taken.  The line between personal taste and
"objective" critical assessment is a good deal fuzzier
than his post might seem to paint it, but nonetheless
I think it is useful because the latter forces/allows
us to approach music/art in general and specific
artists in particular from different vantage points. 
And the end result is often a change in taste
itself--broadening to include formerly distasteful
work, and a deeper understanding of the tastes we
already have.

Take the recent good-natured banter among myself, Bob,
Billy, and Bree over PJ.  I certainly could talk about
what PJ's music means to me personally--in a taste
sense--but taking a step back to try to place her
gifts in a critical context against those of Joni,
Dylan, and the like might just help open a door for
Bob and Bree to enjoy her more than they did
previously.  And if it doesn't?  No harm done--in the
process of arguing my own understanding of my love for
all of these artists has certainly deepened, and I'm
sure this is true for others, too.

I'm certainly a little too into the horse race/ranking
thing than I should be, but it's less of a contest
than a thinking mechanism for me.


NP:  Mary J. Blige, _No More Drama_


If Madonna's music means more to you
> (not *you,* but "you") 
> personally than Joni's, if she grooves you more,
> speaks more directly to your 
> inner life, then fine ... no one can argue. But if
> everyone's work is equally 
> valid, if there is no attempt at objective
> examination, then what's 
> excellence?
> -Fred

"I'm just a little bit heiress, a little bit Irish,
 A little bit Tower of Pisa whenever I see ya,
 So please be kind if I'm a mess."

--Rufus Wainwright, "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk"
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