Marian wrote about magic happening, the zone...etc. I think this is what
every musician strives for...those transcendent moments where the playing &
singing become effortless...They seem to come when they can't
make them happen...I remember one of my most powerful times when that
happened was performing with my neice (one of the most beautiful voices I
have ever heard..her harmonies are on several of my recorded songs) & I
physically felt like I was sliding upon a silvery ribbon...that is the best
way I can find words to describe the experience.

Another time it came upon my when I was playing in the round (solo) with two
other songwriters (one was Caroline Aiken)... maybe it was the level of
talent in the room that night that pulled me into the zone (I had only
moments earlier almost fallen off my stool, onto the guitar, & off the
stage, when I got my stoooopid clog heal caught in the would have
been really embarrassing & probably quite painful...something caught me cuz
I should have fallen...anyway the rest of my set was similarly visited with
divine intervention...a very rare otherworldly gift).

I love that music is mediative for you Marian! I have always felt the same
way about writing & playing. I have especially been reinspired by George
Harrison's music being very powerful in this way. A lot of Joni's songs are
that way for me too.

Crying- I spent a lot of time in some reeeeeeeally intense music workshops
that focused on the emotional side of the songwriting process. I can't tell
you how many people broke into tears when first delivering their songs to
other people. I believe this is a very common thing when you are first
exposing your words (especially) to others. That was the beauty of the
workshops...that people could do this in a safe & supportive setting (much
like a jmdl get together). For me, crying in front of others is worse than
public speaking or death so my insecurities came out in shaking hands, legs,
voice....but it truly gets better as you get comfortable playing your songs
for others. I still revert back to this kind of fright when I am playing a
new song for the first time to other people. It is like it is being birthed
for the first time & it is soooooo intense for me! There is no practiced
professionalism that might happen with other songs that I am used to
playing...each new song takes me back to that 100% vulnerable place again.
Its maddening (but good I think)!

I just cannot wait to hear you play Marian!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have always loved hearing Paz play Joni songs...Paz you nail every little
detail & it is amazing to hear how you are able to do that. Her stuff is NOT
easy to do straight up imho, it is easier to interpret your own way. She has
her own inner rhythm that is really hard to nail down.

Kate Bennett
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