hey lets lighten up on  DED, i happen to think it is a wonderful album!  
granted, it took me a little longer than usual to warm up to it but when i 
did i found it to be as       rewarding as any of joni's works. ( i 
especially liked " shiny toys .") i think all of joni's work is complex , it 
sometimes takes a long time to appreciate the subtlties in her music. as for 
the synth music and 80's sound remarks , i have to disagree. it was an angry 
album and i thought the synthesizer  was an excellent choice to convey that.  
 as for the 80's sound... i consider her music to be quite timeless and  take 
offense to lumping it with a phrase which i consider somewhat derogatory ! 
i'll end by commenting on the other people " doing it better " remark. hey 
this is joni, nobody does it better... ( if i sound like a diehard fan its 
because i am . enough said...)                 regards, warren keith          
     p.s. hey, i'm a virgin ! i'm new to the site that is. greetings to all 
you joni fans !!!!! 

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