Bob wrote:

> Welcome, Warren...very bold of you to defend DED on your
> very first post! :~)

Yes, welcome to the best discussion list ever!  And we have the best
parties, too......

> Definitely some nice moments on that record. I was reading
> about Lennon's "Imagine" in the latest Rolling Stone, and it
> reminded me of "Impossible Dreamer", which is a great composition.
> When you stand DED up to what else was out there in 1985,
> it looks OK. It's only when you prop it up against most of her
> other work that it begins to pale.

OK, here's a little exercise that might help anyone who doesn't "like" DED
(which personally, I love - it's in my Joni top five).  Get yourself a copy
of the William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy classic, "Spaced Out - The Very Best
Of....".  Listen to it five consecutive times at least, but play Both Sides
Now and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ten times.

NOW play Dog Eat Dog.  Doesn't it sound good?!


"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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