> Surprised to see there weren't any comments about Anjelica Huston's
tribute to
> Joni at the Toronto festival. I just think it is so cool that Joni
> Angelica are buds.  It fIgures, two hip chicks like that, about the
same age.
> Headstrong, arty types; party gals.  I love Anjelica Huston's work,
check out
> her movies, Enemies a Love Story, Pritzi's Honour, The Grifters, The
> Agnes Browne, and now the Royal Tanenbaums, which by all acccounts
> fantastic. All these movies make for great entertainment.This is
very good
> news! You may also know that Angelica is married to the sculptor,
> Graham, who does amazing work. Such an arty set!
> Michael O

I wonder if Jack Nicholson had anything to do with introducing these
two?  I agree, they are both extraordinary, talented women.

One of my guilty pleasures is the first Addams Family movie.  Casting
Angelica as Morticia was a stroke of genius.  'Don't torture yourself,
Darling!  That's my job.'  Or was that Smurphy talking to Wallushka?

Mark E.

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