Rachael DeRoest (welcome, Rachael!!) wrote:

"What about anjelica and joni and this tribute thing? I would not have
imagined they really even knew each other. But that is very cool."

Me now:  well, as I think somebody's already mentioned, there IS the "Jack
connection."  Joni and Jack Nicholson appear to have been friends for quite
some time, and Anjelica Huston and Jack were romantically involved for, what,
17 years in the 70's and 80's?  So it makes sense to me that Joni and Anjelica
would know each other, and then that they would take things one step further
by forming a strong friendship of their own.

Mary P.
Madison, WI

P.S.  By the way, I must confess guiltily to always having been CONVINCED that
Joni wrote "The Same Situation" for Jack Nicholson.  However, there is,
indeed, no evidence that I'm aware of that these two were ever anything other
than good friends.   Shucks. <g>

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