Mark and everyone else, i can now talk about the movie, Chris Marshall is probably 
just coming out of  the cinema in or around Cambridge.
It was for the most part visually stunning, atmospherically impressive and truly 
captivating.  I am coming from the point of view of a fan, of course. Elijah *is* 
Jackson's vision of Middle Earth is perhaps as close to Tolkiens own vision as we'll 
ever see.  There are some very funny moments (i'm trying to say little, in order to 
maintain suspense for those not in the know!)

Tom Bombadil is not in this movie.  I guess he isn't entirely relevant to the 
advancement of the story, but it is such a wonderful little chapter.  The film kept 
all of the key features and characters from the book.  The immense detail the novel 
indulges in, of course, had to be cut down some for a cinematic venture.  If one had 
not read the books, ones understanding might have been a little marred. My sister 
really had to concentrate at some points to keep it all straigh in her head, not so 
much as to render much negativity on the film.  I mean, there is a serious of 
encounters with strnage named characters in strange named places (i.e Arwen and Elrond 
in Rivendell; Galadriel in Lothlorien) that are central to the plot.  In the book a 
fair amount of time and detail is devoted to all of this, but in the film these are 
merely fleeting episodes.  This isn't necesarily a bad thing, it is probably needed to 
maintain the pace of film.  AT just under three hours, it was imperative!
 for Peter Jackson to keep everything moving and interesting.  And yes, he really 

The musical score i found to be moving, a little contrived at times, but very moving.  
When i heard that Enya sings on the soundtrack i was disappointed, but it is very well 
crafted.  I bought the soundtrack a week ago, but i havnet listend to it yet.  I 
really will do so soon!

Have i just concentrated on the downside(s)??  I think i'll need to see it again to 
fully digest the film.  It is faithful and satisfying.  A little more Explained than 
the book, if you know what i mean, but still, a wonderful film based on an amazing 
book.  Jackson is not ripping us off; he is not cheating us.  The disappointments i 
expressed here are probably inevitable considering my feelings for the book.  These 
dissapointmenst were outweighed by the adept acting (very cute cast! hehe), great 
great great scenery,generally exciting visuals (wow Gollum!!  wow!!, but the Balrog 
boohoo), and an amazingly brilliant source novel.
anyone else???  Chris?  Debra??  GO on and see it Mark.  Even Liv Tyler is good!!!

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