Mags wrote: close your eyes and remember those angst filled days and
how Joni became 
the very thing that saved you.

Mags my friend, this poem/prose was so lovely!  I think for many of us,
the words you laid out here express the very time and place many of us
came from and to in our life long union with Joni.  This is well
written and  it definitely touches the soul of our reason for being
here .. well surely you touched mine.  Thanks for sharing.

Julius wrote: she would light candles and incense and read to me from
Sylvia Plath, Anais Nin or Hermann Hesse.

Julus this is the woman for me!  I love Wendy - hook me up!  This is
like fairy tale so sweet a memory.  If anyone recalls the old thread
about favorite books and authors, mine included all 3 mentioned here!

My first REAL Joni listen was the summer of 1971.  I had heard a few
things in pieces here and there and liked what I heard but I wasn't
listening close enough.  Also, I was often hearing BSN - Judy Collins

But the summer of 71 as I was turning 14 was the defining moment for
me.  I was hanging out with a slightly older cousin who was busy
getting me high for the first few times of my life.  We were listening
to a radio station that was very into playing the Blue album that
summer.  Every song was an immediate love for me.  The ones I remember
them playing were All I Want, California,  Carey ... A Case of you well
all of them.  

I bought the album within the week and played it down to a hissing
sound.  Actually I recall my mother going shopping and I giving her the
instrctions of what album to pick up for me.  I immediately put it on
the turn table and was never the same - my mother on the other hand
imediately hated it and her.  To this day when we argue about ANYTHING,
she still says, I am always trying to shove my opinions down her throat
and it all started with that damn Joni Mitchell!  

I felt proud to have "discovered" the album and buy it before my cousin
did.  To know all of the words and have a personal relationship with
the whole package.  I went out and bought LOTC and Clouds within a
month or 2 and then STAS.  

By January of 72 I was sitting in the 8th row and watching Joni live. 
Except for a few moments in my life I can't think of anything that was
such a turning point and defining moment both creatively - soulfully
than that time in my life. I have looked for other "heroes" but just
like love it always hits you when you least expect it.  

Every lover I have had has either been indoctrinated by me with Joni -
or was as big a fan as I. I believe those are reasonable prerequisites
for being my lover - don't you agree?

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