mags, what a beautiful memory & wonderful new thread...

julius, your story was simpley took me right
there & i could see it all...this should be a novel & a movie. or at the
very least a short must have many more...are you doing this? i
am serious...

my very first joni memory is not entirely clear...but i was a child of the
60's so i guess that is to be expected hahaha...

what i do remember is listening to STAS & the first CSN record for hours
upon hours in my best friends room on saturday afternoons...she had a big
bedroom in a big house in the countryside of new was down a long
hall from the other bedrooms & a big stairway from the downstairs so we felt
as if we were in our own little world...just floating, breathing the
beautiful enchanting music...

we weren't partaking in any substances...just hanging out, drawing, reading
the album covers, talking, being, dreaming like young girls do...although i
was already playing guitar thanks to the beatles but this new music
propelled me into an entirely different world of magic...there was a quality
of osmosis i remember from those just instantly knew about the
new records...word of was in the air somehow...

Kate Bennett
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