MG wrote >>Sadly, it was great acting within a highly sanitized version of
Nash's life.<<

I didn't know anything about Nash before the movie & I have little first
hand experience with this this movie made me want to learn
more... (thanks mary k for the link) me, it was eye opening to see that
someone suffering from schizophrenia was as highly functional as Nash
was...& as innovatively brilliant...

>>>the true trials of maintaining a relationship when one partner suffers
from a mental illness stayed unexplored.<<<

absolutely...i can't imagine how difficult this must have been...

>>>I'm still thinking a lot about art and genius and what makes some of us
tick..tock and others of us go ...ockt itck. <<<

LOL...well put! i have pondered this for a long long time...Robin Williams
was just on Bravo's Behind the Actor Studio & described his comedy as (&
demonstrated) legalized insanity...his high school class voted him the
funniest & least likely to succeed...

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