Kakki wrote:
>Hi John,
>It's good to hear that you are alright and that you've had some rain.
>had a bit of the coverage here and they mentioned you all getting
that big
>helicopter to help fight the flames. We've had to develop some pretty
>high-tech stuff here in Calif. to battle the brush fires.  I was
>amazed the other night to see the coverage of the poor little Koala
>who they are trying to save - they showed them with little oxygen
masks on!
>Take care and I hope it clears up for you soon.

Thanks Kakki, Ive been thinking about California during recent weeks
as I know (from reading) that youve had some really horrendous fire
experiences there. Hasnt the Canyon where Joni once lived been hit
many times? 

With regard to the native animals there was an article, titled The
Silent Victims of Fire, in our local newspaper this week which
suggested that the full impact on the native fauna may not be known
for years and concluded that "there is little doubt the fires have
been devastating on native animals". Such a large part of the Blue
Mountains National Park has been burnt and almost a hundred percent of
the Royal National Park (established not long after Yosemite in the
US) in the south of Sydney has suffered fire damage. Then there are
all those other fire ravaged areas north and south of Sydney. The
Wildlife Rescue Service (WIRES), a truly wonderful organization, has
been very busy in the Mountains and elsewhere. It will be a long road
back for many animal communities thats for sure.

And Ashara, thanks for those thoughts and prayers! Ooooh, and those
hugs really do get rid of that tension! :-)

John, in Sydney where Nature has been painting its own pyrotechnic
explosions of late, and theyve not been autumnal!

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