Welcome Tom,

I really loved reading your information about the lost holy grail Jimi and
Joni tape.  It is a subject that has intrigued us here for a long time.  It
was so cool to read that Joni is also intrigued about it.  She is quite mad
about Jimi and has mentioned his genius in interviews many times.  I
happened to run into her at a restaurant a few months back and while she (as
is her usual way) tended to dismiss most everyone in current music, she
reaffirmed that Jimi was one of the only artists of the century who was
original.  When she exhibited some paintings here in Hollywood in 1999 I
went back three times to look at them.  On my second visit I caught one
small painting hidden away which I'd missed the first time on opening night.
It was Jimi high up on a cloud with a dark blue sky background.  He was
dressed like and angel, wings and all and in his famous pose before the


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