Randy - I have never seen it reproduced anywhere and it is unlike any of her
other paintings that I've seen.  It is simplistic and unrefined - almost
like something a  teenager just beginning with oil paints would put to
canvas. Oil gobs kind of spackled on and more than a little impressionistic.
I had the feeling that she painted it a long time ago. What it lacks a
little in technique, however, is more than made up for in creative whimsy
and style . I was delighted to discover it tucked away by itself near the
front desk.  It is small - maybe 8 x 10 at most.  It reminded me a little of
iconic Santeria art.  Think that I later did read something that she said
about the painting.  I'll have to check for it again.   Kakki

>It was Jimi high up on a cloud with a dark >blue sky background.  He was
dressed like >and angel, wings and all and in his famous >pose before the
> I would love to see that one...Has it ever been reproduced?
> RR

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