colin - please do not speak for all the elderly.  my grandparents did a 
better job at educating me than my parents did.  i worked in a convalescent 
home when i was younger.  the elderly lived history.  they have a lot to 
offer.  as with any other lot there are the few who spoil it for the others.


At 06:09 PM 1/18/02 +0000, colin wrote:

>this sounds so lovely and sentimental but in reality it is just 
>sentimental. One
>only needs to look at our world leaders and the elderly around us to know that
>this is not true.
>Age does not confer wisdom on any of us. I wish that it did! No it has to 
>for and gthe mind has to be kept open for the possibilty that wisdom might 
>Many of the mature are 'set in their ways'.
>On the other hand, very young children often speak wisely beforee their heads
>are filled with crap!

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