You'd like western Washington & Oregon as well, Colin.  And I agree with
everyone who has posted about California.  It has some amazing country.  The
redwoods in the northern part of the state are awe inspiring.  Really
drive's home Grace Slick's point that 'the human name doesn't mean sh*t to a
tree'.  The giant sequoias in the eastern part of the state are amazing as
well.  Someone already commented on the Big Sur coastline but I'll add to
that praise by saying it's one of the most amazingly spectacular and
beautiful places I have ever seen.  Yosemite valley is also gorgeous.  Plus
you've got the cities of San Francisco in the north & Los Angeles in the
south, both diverse and fascinating cultural centers, each in its own
special way.

There is amazing country all over the northwestern part of the US.  Parts of
Wyoming & Montana are quite spectacular as well.  The Grand Teton mountain
range in northwest Wyoming is another one of the prettiest places I have
been to.  And you could spend days in Yellowstone National Park and still
not be able to take it all in.  Fascinating & beautiful country.

Mark E in Seattle where it is snowing....AGAIN!

> I am sure Californis is beautiful. I wouls probably like it further north.

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