> Anne said:
> <<I've come up with a belief system that I haven't really
> seen expressed like this anywhere. Maybe someone can
> tell me if there's a denomination that believes in
> something similar.>>
> As you can clearly see, I am way behind in posts, but I think this more or
> less sumarizes, for lack of a better word,  the "New Age" way of thinking. It
> certainly capsulizes my beliefs.

It is also part of the philosophy held by the Spiritualists for the last 150
years or so. Probably not known, but they are a recognized religion, at least
here, with Ministers etc. Unfortunately, people tend to dismiss it without
knowing anything about the religion, or way of life as they prefer to call it.
They hold marrige cermonies(for gays as well), funerals, welcoming ceremonies for
babies etc. The press and tv still characterise them as charlatons who sit in the
dark and ask 'is  anybody there?' Bullshit and a a reflection of the genral
ignorance about the movement rathetr than the truth.
It is the only relgion i know that judges no one, that consemns no one, excludes
no one. Their basic belief is in personal responsiblity, that everyone regardless
of behaviour class, race, creed ect survives physicl death and that the
circumstances beyond death are directly related to thought and behaviour before
death. That advancement of the human soul is open to all, for all time, so error
is always correctable. Death is not the end but the beginning and if a soul is in
darkness  upon death, that too can be changed, according to the soul's
willingness to change.
God is all of us, all life, and is thus evolving. There is no judgement outside
of ourselves.

> Hugs,
> Ashara

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