>  but the vituperous attacks
> she gets for owning an SUV amaze her!

My car does 55mpg. I do quite a lot of miles-250 or so a week. What eevr I have,
it has to be diesal  and good mpg.

> Hope all your babies are well, Colin!

Frustrated. the girls are having all day lesbian orgies and poor Brad is confined
to the hallway and whines and pants or he gets up to look at them out the window.
Not that he is completely deprived. he shagged Doris on Sunday and Monday.
horrid. Doris screamed blu murder. in doggy terms, it seems Brad is a big boy. he
has had 6 girls now and each of them has screamed, even the matrons. doris was a
maiden. I normally allow another mating but couldn't cope with anymore of her
screaming. of course, she has been trying to get to him too. Seems she soon
forgets she didn't like it!

> fondly,  hugs,
> walt

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270, Passap 6000,


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