--- Cindy Breslau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi to all of you who have been posting over the last
> two weeks. I am writing
> now because I am new and feel somewhat lost in the
> variety of comments and
> subjects being addressed.If its possible could it be
> explained what about Joni
> is a popular topic(s) or are the regulars who post
> all friends and communicate
> on that level as well?

Welcome, Cindy. There are many popular topics, both
Joni and non - they come and go, marked by lovers and
styles of clothes. Many of the people at this party
have met, some on a regular basis (you will soon learn
about Joni-fests big and small). It's a friendly bunch
of people, but they talk too much - they talk too open
and free. It can drive you crazy sometimes, but, if
you've got too many doubts,and there's no good
reception for ya, you can just tune it out. (That was
pretty pathetic, but it's JC (Joni content.)

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