Hi Cindy.


I haven't read the other responses to you yet, so
please excuse any repetition :-)

Yes, we've been talking about a lot of different
things, which is pretty normal. Sometimes we'll have
several Joni threads going, and sometimes we talk about
other things. (If you find this overwhelming, you can
always go the "Joni-only" route (and miss out on all
the emails with NJC (no Joni content) in the subject

A lot of us know each other and some of us have met in
person. There have been gathering in several locations,
with the "JoniFests" in the U.S. northeast (New England
until this coming year) and New Orleans. As anyone who
has been to one will tell you, JoniFests are

We also trade Joni music - tapes of early concerts, for
example. Plus Bob Muller is the king of covers, with 27
(or is it 28? now) volumes of Joni songs covered by
other artists.

It sounds like you and I are pretty much the same age
and discovered Joni at about the same time. Yes, Joni
has always talked in her songs about what was next in
life. And yet, her songs have always been relevant to
my life at the moment, too.

Oh, there are some 'threads' and questions that we've
done a bunch. so pay no mind to the collective groan
when we get into those topics. The "what does SIQUOMB
(she is queen of mind beauty - but you knew that) stand
for" question always elicits a moan, that and "what
does NP (now playing) or NPIMH (now playing in my head)
stand for." Plus there's the Dog Eat Dog debate that
rages unresolved. A few of us really like DED, but the
majority seem to look askance at it. (I guess you can
tell where I stand...)

There are somewhere around 800 members of the list
worldwide. But a lot of people are "lurkers" (isn't it
time to revive the "what do we call people who read
posts, but don't post" thread. "Lurker" just sounds
rather menacing. And, yes, that was a groan you heard
from about 800 people :-)

Well, I guess I've rambled enough.

So, welcome to the list Cindy!

lots of love

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