Bob wrote: >the latest Rolling Stone reviews the 2/23 performance in Madison Square Garden, and sang praises similar to yours. They >also commented on the hardest rocking version of Woodstock ever, and the energy that Neil brings to the show.
I've never heard anything quite like it - I'm sure that some live versions from the tour will surface at some point for the Covers collection! I've never seen Neil with so much energy. There were a few times, too, where he reminded me very much of our own Victor! I got one of the songs wrong that he did - should be "Goin Home" and it's a new one available on download ;-) Never seen Stills with so much energy for that matter - I meant to write that he was channeling blue-eyed soul, but more than that, he was actually channeling James Brown a few times on the Booker T song - unbelievable! I managed to get seats in the "Premier" section which gives one access to a gorgeous restaurant and nice outdoor smoking patio. Discovered outside that you can see into the band's VIP party room and over to their smoking patio. I scanned it for notables but didn't notice anyone in particular. Our old friend Mariana emailed me again the other night that her parents are friends of CSNY's manager and she was going as a guest of the band! Lucky Girl. Maybe she'll have some tidbits to report ;-) Kakki