Yes!!  I second this,great review.  I've seen CSN twice in my live.. the 
last time was the early 1990's.  But young was not with them.  I'm hoping to 
see them in Baltimore this month.  We have been checking with a broker, but 
very steep prices.  This guy wants for two seats, left center of stage,row 
A,a little shy of 800 bucks.  As much as I love them....only for Joni would 
I pay this. (I have that Joni fund set aside, if she performs in bum blank 
Egypt....I'll be there  (singing the Jackson Five song as I type 
this.....I'll Be and I must make a pack.....)
We will probably go for the nose bleed section.


>Thanks for the review, Kakki...the latest Rolling Stone reviews the 2/23 
>performance in Madison Square Garden, and sang praises similar to yours. 
>They also commented on the hardest rocking version of Woodstock ever, and 
>the energy that Neil brings to the show.
>NP: Led Zeppelin, "In The Light"

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