Reading these one-sided views of the Israelis as innocent good guys is
getting disturbing now. Things were relatively peaceful until September
2000 when Ariel Sharon visited a mosque, knowing the negative reaction
it would have. It was a deliberate provocative move on his part. Here's
more info: There are
probably other sources, right-wing ones I'd guess, that dispute that, of
course. However, even the usually pro-Israel mainstream U.S. press
expressed dismay at the time regarding his actions.

And, soon after that Ariel Sharon was elected prime minister! Apparently
enough Israelis agree with his belligerant approach to vote him into office.

Neither side is innocent in this conflict. There are no good guys. It
doesn't look like either Sharon or Arafat wants peace. They seem
determined to let their foot soldiers kill each other until everyone on
the opposite side is killed. Looks to me like Israel with its tanks will
be more efficient about that than the suicide bombers are. And, no, I'm
not saying there's anything good about the suicide bombers. I can't
imagine living under the constant fear and distrust that Israelis live
with. I also can't imagine living with the constant degradation and fear
that the Palestinians live with. Both sides are responsible and both
have bloody hands.

The only glimmer of hope for peaceful resolution that I can see was the
brief mention in the news that Powell is meeting not only with Sharon
and Arafat, but also with other Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
Especially in the case of Arafat, who I don't think would know how to
lead a peaceful nation (and so doesn't genuinely seek one) or be honest
in his dealings with anyone apparently, it may be that peace will only
come when other leaders come to the forefront, in a good old-fashioned
internal power struggle (I hope) rather than by assassination. In the
meantime, it's a heartbreaking situation all around. 

Debra Shea

P.S. I'm with you, Bree, on your anger toward Arafat. He looked like a
good guy to me for a while, but he's obviously not. The shipment of arms
confiscated by the Israelis that Arafat claimed to know nothing about
showed how duplicitous he is.

Bree Mcdonough wrote:
> One more thought:Have you  noticed Arafat
> never straps a bomb to himself?  Why would he have to with all these pawns
> at his disposal.  Talk about child abuse!! Nobel Peace Prize??  Should  be
> yanked and Blank Blank Blank...up his Blankin arse!

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