hey Alison, 

good for you for sticking up for your mom!  hey have you see that
commercial..gawd, i forget what it's selling, anyway...it's all about
women saying they 'want' more laugh lines..they want to grow old/older,
they want to be a grandmother, greatgrandmother (play on words there) 
etc...it is so positive, and makes me smile and be proud of my age and
look forward to more laugh lines, silver threads in my hair etc etc.
It's all in the attitude. To me, Joni is aging with so much grace and
beauty. She looks fantastic. Beauty on the inside cannot help but
radiate to the outside. Guess it depends on your point of view. 

Mags, celebrating that aging process...yippppeeeeeee. the best is yet
to come. 

--- Alison E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> well, my mom looks great..
> alison e. in slc.
> --- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  next we're faced with a ravaged old hippy queen.
> > 
> > I agree, she did not look wonderful. but then
> > neither do most of the women I
> > know past their mid fifties! Why should we expect
> > Joni to be any different to
> > any other late 50's woman? Are we comparing her to
> > plastic fantastic Cher or the
> > ridiculous Joan Collins?
> > Joni looked like a real person! Surely that is in
> > keeping with her work, being
> > real?
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You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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