> was funny one night having a martini with friends (go figure) we were
> discussing Yes and Close to the Edge specifically when I ran to the cd
> to get only to realize I did not have it on CD (lost stolen or I was
> stoned). I had like 20 versions of it live and I had the album, but did
> have the CD and that's what we were talking about (the diff between album
> and CD).

I have the digitally remastered cd and it sounds awesome to me.  The only
other Yes I own on cd is The Yes Album which is my other favorite and it
doesn't sound nearly as good.  I think I will eventually have to buy the
remastered version of that one as well.

Willie the Shake emailed me on this subject and I told him that I used to
think Wakeman was what made Close To the Edge so great but now I've revised
my opinion.  The keyboards are awesome but boy howdy, Steve Howe's guitar
really makes this record!  I'm sure this change of heart has a lot to do
with being on this list.  My appreciation for guitar playing has really
grown since being exposed to what you all have to say on the subject, not to
mention hearing Paz and Marian and Terry and others play at Jonifest.

Willie also asked me why I think so many people who like Joni also seem to
dig Yes.  Anyone care to speculate?

Mark E in Seattle

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