High! And thanks for this post and I agree to the utmost me too. When you
are someone as beautiful and talented as she you are bound to absorb stuff
thru the media and other demons so that people think they own a part of you
and feel like they can make some stupid comment like Hopper did. The same
goes for her sex life. I get crazy when they beat that stuff into the
As far as Yes goes well don't get me started there either. I love the new
album now although I had a little trouble with it at first. I really like
the orchestra, but miss the keyboards. I have been to so many Yes shows I
have lost count (which may account for the other part of your question). It
was funny one night having a martini with friends (go figure) we were
discussing Yes and Close to the Edge specifically when I ran to the cd case
to get only to realize I did not have it on CD (lost stolen or I was
stoned). I had like 20 versions of it live and I had the album, but did not
have the CD and that's what we were talking about (the diff between album
and CD).
Loved the post about Carly too. Thanks for sharing.



on 4/13/02 10:16 AM, Mark or Travis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I can't believe Hopper introducing her as the "high priestess of getting
>> high"
> I don't get that at all.  I never thought of Joni in that context.  To me
> Joni represented clarity in the midst of all the craziness of the 70s.  I
> think of Grace Slick as the 'high priestess of getting high'.  We know Joni
> did her share of smoking pot & experimenting with drugs but I never got the
> feeling that she advocated getting high anywhere in her music or her public
> persona.  Oh I admit I listened to and enjoyed Joni many times under the
> influence of wacky weed.  Back before it was so potent that it started
> making me nearly comatose, I used to love to listen to music when stoned.
> But I don't have a strong association of Joni with getting high.
> As a side note, I did very much associate the music of Yes with getting
> high.  Recently I bought the remastered 'Close To the Edge' on cd and have
> listened to it a few times on my commute.  I popped it in Friday on my way
> home, cranked it up and am very pleased to say that I was just as
> exhilarated by that music as I used to be and entirely without the benefit
> of any mind altering substance.  What an amazing record!  Hey, Paz, I've
> read a review of their latest.  It sounds like it might be worth checking
> out.  What's your opinion?
> Mark E in Seattle

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