I have been holding my tongue on these matters,because I do not want to incite nor 
feed the fires
of hate here. However, I must speak plainly and simply about the Middle East, beforeI 
explode.  No
it is not a simple issue but there are more simple solutions ad alternatives.  I have 
unquestioningly a supporter of Israel and still am, so damn anyone who dare 
misinterpret this for
their own pompous narrow-minded views.  I have had enough from both sides these past 
few months. 
The Middle East inability to deal with eachother is causing violence world wide.  
During the
Clinton administration, one year ago September 2000, Palestine and Israel were the 
closest they
have ever been to a solution.  Since Sharon has come to power the entire process has 
taken leaps
backwards!  As in most cases I do not blame my Israeli brothers and sisters, I blame 
their leader.
 Sharon has done nothing but incite trouble since he came to power.  He is a thug!  
Now I do not
crown Arafat king of peace either.  What I am adressing here is equal responsibility 
and blame,
without fear of repercussion.  And we here in the US stand as always behind Israel.  I 
pity the
fool who dare, because I disagee with Sharon, label me anti semetic.  I do not like my 
should I leave my country or be labeld anti America. 

As a woman of peace, I must call out those who do not live up to a basic human 
standard.  I do
aree with Vince and Colin on a couple of things, HATE is HATE!  It's not okay to kill 
or to hate
because they wear a label, one that the hater put there.  Most Palestinians are not 
bombers,most Israeli children would gladly befriend Palestinian children.  To label 
all Arabs as
evil, is disgusting and simplistic. To cut our support to Israel would be terrible.  
I do believe that the Palestinians deserve a homeland, but certainly not at the cost 
of selling
out Israel.

All the facts paraded here sicken me!  It gets to be a pettty war of words.  Laurent 
you think
America is full of propoganda?!  Who fed you yours?  We know how history can be 
written and
rewritten, interpreted and reinterpreted.  Hell isn't it France right now that has a 
candidate who doesn't believe the holocaust really happened, hhmm  must be true if 
they're saying
it in France!  Isn't he anti-Jewish?  Really, Laurent I don't discount your facts.  
Rather, I
learn a bit more about history and it's interpretations from you and Vince.  No fact 
in this mess
is virgin pure.  In fact they all have a ring of truth, but I believe in putting them 
in proper
context.  More importantly seeing how we can take these facts and find a path out of 
this maze of
hate and perhaps  create a solution that both sides can learn to live with rather than 
to die for.
No point to continue pointing a finger, both sides must bear the burden of 
responsibility and the
responsibility of finding more constructive ways to live side by side. One step at a 
time, one
year at a time, one decade at a time.  

I have no answer, no solution.  But I am reminded of many comments made here after 
9/11.  I
believe it was Kate Bennett, who pleaded for peaceful resolution, and made the obvious 
that violence has not ever solved anything, if it did we'd not have to go to war again 
and again
over the same things.  I am paraphrasing from a poor memory, and she was not speaking 
to this
particular issue, so please don't take up arms against Kate.  But as long as we can 
fight and kill
so many for so long, why can't we just sit at  the table and go over and over again 
the issues at
hand.  It's peaceful and cheaper. The fighting doesn't stop the hate and it is putting 
us all in

Laurent, frankly I find the way you speak down to us and as the all knowing one, quite
condescending. I stand with Israel, but I am not blind to their faults.  And I will 
not stand by
and watch them massacre innocent people, just as I will not stand for any genocide.  
Forget" is a message for all humans.  I belong to the human race First!  

Frankly, I am not a flag waver, most here know that. But I am insulted by your flimsy 
analysis of
the US.  It's true that the rich only get richer and the middle class is shrinking.  
Funny how
that only happens in America!  I remember when friends have returned from France, 
their stories
about how wonderful the rich are, standing on street corners passing out their 
money.;-)  I hope
you find your perfect world, I only hope there is love and respect in it as well.

I do hope your daughter has received the medical help she requires and that she is 
doing well. 
But I would say monthly here, we inevitably have people seeking medical help.  Poor 
children from
other countries are flown here by common people or corporations to receive 
progressive, expensive
medical procedures.  
Goodness and humanity know no boundaries.  

Good luck with your elections in Almighty France!  Nice choices. I'm sure the French 
people had
nothing to do with that! See how easy it is to throw a stone.

My apologies to all here for the bandwidth and my anger, I am just tired of people 
purposefully misinterpreting what people say and mean on this issue. That's why the 
Middle East is
where it is right now.  More than ever ...

P. S. Running for cover!
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