Dolphie Bush wrote:

> I have one word for you Colin: therapy.  Unlike many here, I am not afraid
> of you and your brutish tactics don't scare me. It is amazing that someone
> who constantly posts about the abuse they have endured has no problem
> abusing others.

Grow up, Mack. No one has abused you. you wrote something offensive, and when
called on it, you deny having written it. NO ONE called you a name. NO ONE
called you racist. Saying a comment is racist is not name calling. YOU are the
one who has gotten personal and abusive, like many who can't back up what they
say or do. I don't play games with you or anyone esle. I don't lie and I don't
abuse. YOU do both and like others who do the same you try to push the blame
elsewhere. No one twisted your words. You wrote them and they are plain to see.
Of course it is much easier for you to get personal and abusive. I know your
game well.

"The many lurkers who hide
from you may continue to do so but I will not."

what a brave man you are!

and you sound suspiciously like a 'lady' I know......

have a good day Mack

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